Thanks for your interest in volunteering at Vegfest. Please indicate the jobs and shifts that work best for you, then complete the application form below.

If you're not sure what to do, Food Demonstrator is the job where we need the most help during the weekend.

If you are able to do more than one shift, it is OK for your shifts to overlap by up to 45 mins on the same day, since most shifts include 30-45 mins training time.

If you are flexible and can sign up for several shifts, be sure to enter a maximum total number of hours you can volunteer over the whole weekend in the form below. We'll select the shifts where we most need volunteers, up to your maximum. We'll send you an email to confirm the shifts we've assigned for you.

If you are flexible as to what job you do, it would really help us if you could sign up as a General Volunteer for ALL the times you can be there. We'll assign you to shifts based on when we most need you, and let you know via email, but we'll assign you to a specific job on the day based on where we most need you at the time.

We hope we don't have to, but we reserve the right to reassign you or to reject any volunteer application if necessary.